Enabling a step-change in buyer + supplier performance and alignment
Buyers have the best information about future demand and what customers want
Suppliers make the investments (capacity, materials, production…) and bear the risk
Buyers and suppliers have different P&Ls and business goals
Buyer determines best supply availability (including upside) for its customers over supplier’s planning horizon
Supplier plans and executes to buyer’s chosen level of supply availability. Output is available to buyer on an inventory-pull basis.
In exchange, buyer shares the supplier’s risk
Buyer-guided supply planning uses the more powerful and lower cost levers of supplier capacity, materials, and production to proactively manage the core challenge of supply relationships: Forecast uncertainty over the supplier’s production planning horizon
Determine supply availability that optimizes customer + market performance
Align buyer and supplier performance and risk
Automate execution through ordering and delivery
Monitor, alert on, track, and settle performance
Buyer determines the best level of supply availability
Supplier decides the best way to deliver it
(both do what they do best)
All rights reserved 2024.
Contact: [email protected]
Aztral provides business process and software as a service for buyer-guided supplier planning and for generation of forecast probability distributions, a key input. Founded by Blake Johnson, it productizes capabilities developed in work with leading companies in the technology, consumer products, automotive, aerospace, and energy industries over the last 15 years. Blake previously founded Vivecon and Options, Markets & Analytics and teaches corporate financial management in the Management Science & Engineering Department at Stanford University.